VGETEXPPH - GET EXPonent Packed Half

VGETEXPPH xmm1{k1}{z}, xmm2/m128/m16bcst    (V5+FP16+VL
__m128h _mm_getexp_ph(__m128h a)
__m128h _mm_mask_getexp_ph(__m128h s, __mmask8 k, __m128h a)
__m128h _mm_maskz_getexp_ph(__mmask8 k, __m128h a)

For each FP16, get the exponent from (1) (calculate floor(log2(abs((1))))) and store the result in (2).
VGETEXPPH ymm1{k1}{z}, ymm2/m256/m16bcst    (V5+FP16+VL
__m256h _mm256_getexp_ph(__m256h a)
__m256h _mm256_mask_getexp_ph(__m256h s, __mmask16 k, __m256h a)
__m256h _mm256_maskz_getexp_ph(__mmask16 k, __m256h a)

For each FP16, get the exponent from (1) (calculate floor(log2(abs((1))))) and store the result in (2).
VGETEXPPH zmm1{k1}{z}, zmm2/m512/m16bcst{sae}    (V5+FP16
__m512h _mm512_getexp_ph(__m512h a)
__m512h _mm512_mask_getexp_ph(__m512h s, __mmask32 k, __m512h a)
__m512h _mm512_maskz_getexp_ph(__mmask32 k, __m512h a)
__m512h _mm512_getexp_round_ph(__m512h a, int sae)
__m512h _mm512_mask_getexp_round_ph(__m512h s, __mmask32 k, __m512h a, int sae)
__m512h _mm512_maskz_getexp_round_ph(__mmask32 k, __m512h a, int sae)

For each FP16, get the exponent from (1) (calculate floor(log2(abs((1))))) and store the result in (2).

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